New Technomage Terminology: A Forbidden Technique
(Note - The following contains information regarding Christian beliefs; if you are not a Christian I kindly ask that you be respectful to the post and understand that I am simply applying my spiritual beliefs to Project: World of Magic. We are not asking you to be Christians)
Banished Techniques are techniques that are restricted by God's divine will.
These could be responsible for my lack of respective technological advancements. These abilities are banished based on their potential to change the current world as we know it through usurping God's will and authority; they could still be revived on the New Earth since people won't sin there and therefore won't use their powers for evil there. I find many of these abilities directly relate to my Technomagic's limitations.
Perhaps these could be accessed through Spiritual Gifts or Prayer where God would have to inspect the prayer before it's carried out | Here is a list of Banished Techniques, but you could probably generate a lot more.
Spirit - Soul Manipulation, Conscience Manipulation, Spirit Destruction, Soul Destruction, God Manipulation (lol definitely not). As a Christian, I believe the "Spirit Element" will be unlocked through the spiritual gift of Miracles. Miracles are, by definition, the ability to ask for help from God to do feats such as parting the water, turning rivers into blood, etc. Obviously, Technomagic isn't going to allow you to manipulate spirits. No technology can do that as it is forbidden by God.
Light - High Resolute Holograms Indistinguishable from Reality (Have the potential to mess with one's free will which interrupts God's divine will).
Mind - Mental Manipulation of others (Mental Influence of others is allowed, but controlling one's mind interrupts God's design for our free will to choose or reject him). (Though, it could potentially arise again just to fulfill the prophecy about the mark of the beast: potentially through neuralink; still it is reality manipulation so it's a broken ability). I don't recommend taking a chip in your brain that has the potential to stimulate all your pain to max levels by the way (just saying). Reading Minds seems to alter divine will as well since it makes us make different choices. Memory Deletion - I believe it is against the will of God's design for human experience.
Earth - Immortality (Because I Plants and the Life Force are paired with the Earth Element) - (Interrupts God's Free Gift of Salvation and Redemption). If the humans ate from the Tree of Life when they sinned, their sin would've been immortalized, but God protected them from it with a fiery angel.
Limitless Power - Powers with limitless potential would have the potential to allow people to deceive the elect (if they claim to be God).