[Terminated Project] - Hero Guide - Joe Café
Jotaro Café // Jojo Café // Joe Café
Back when I used to have a Discord server (called TEHA) for discussing "Technomagic," real magic synthesized through cutting-edge advanced technologies, I used to have a project called "The National Hero Association." It was pretty much another application of my Technomagic in that I would allow people to become real nationally recognized superheroes under TEHA. I created "Joe Café" because I saw a concept that gave me this cool idea, and even though I, myself, didn't want to have his powers--I still thought they were too awesome not to have. I was going to give these powers to a Hero Guide and like the Elementals, he would have to sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) that prevents him from tampering, reverse engineering, etc. the technology. Most notably, they couldn't obtain unauthorized profits from the distributed Technomagic given as well. Anyways, he would be able to control all coffee and coffee beans.
I canceled the Hero Association project because honestly I don't want to be sued or held responsible for a massive group of people's actions. Tbh the 14 Elementals are already enough to watch over. I was only planning to distribute my technology to two Hero Guides at the time: Joe Café and "The Great Hero Guide" (who was a knight with some power I hadn't developed yet). As you may have guessed, the Hero Guides were supposed to be responsible for teaching and supplying other upcoming heroes with rules, regulations, and guidance overall. Heroes inspired by The Elemental may rise up in the future, but they will not be under my authority in any manner so as to avoid expensive lawsuits. The 14 Elementals are the only ones who will receive the Elemental Technomagic I've been designing. Honestly, it's only fair that Hero Guides like Café are removed. His power was basically like Riptide's water manipulation but caffeinated; I think I was also planning to have the person who took the role train to be able to stay up maximally long (kind of embodying the Element of Coffee in the same way I train to embody the Element of Earth). (Note - Not saying Coffee is a main Element btw). Anyways, I, personally, don't really like the idea of sub-skills (for example, Sand is a sub-skill of Earth), being wielded by separate individuals. It's kinda like somebody else has your power, making it less special. Even if there is a small group of people who have a similar ability to yours...just being around them makes your power shine noticeably less. So it's fair that Café doesn't overshadow Riptide by being removed along with the Hero Association itself due to its potentially adverse reality (considering the state of our world lol).