Graduating in a few years- is my degree going to basically be useless if I’m not already in a “good” admin job?

I currently have a state-level government job… as a security officer (not for a contract company, I am on the state payroll). I’ve worked a few local gov security jobs as well. I don’t feel like there is a lot of upward mobility in this work and I’m worried people assume I’m not capable of doing more with this constituting most of my work background. I do pick up extra volunteer and admin tasks at my workplace (and at past jobs) but it has yet translate into any other opportunities. I recently applied for a job in another department and believe I would have gotten an interview, but due to budget cuts at the state level, the hiring process is “paused”.

I was really looking forward to applying for federal jobs upon finishing my MPA in a few years as I saw it as my chance to FINALLY qualify for some other job title. Reading the news every day, I feel my future job prospects are “cooked”. I’m pregnant and having a child in August, too, so I don’t want to jump ship from my current job to take an entry-level office job at the moment.

I feel like I’ve already wasted so much time and money to get a degree people might just see as useless. I chose the MPA over my initial field of study for the practicality and job prospects ): I’m not opposed to working in the corporate sector but I’m not sure many companies will value the combo of my degree and experience.

Am I catastrophizing here, or is the MPA going to be basically useless unless you’re already in a “good” public admin job already?