I’ve used quick fix over the last 4 years a total of maybe 6 times and it’s been fine . A couple DOT tests , and I took another random DOT test today , but seeing some fails online is trippen me out . I’ll be posting the results when I find out , QF 6.3 concentra sent off to Medtox. Temp was good , lady didn’t give a fuck to smell check or even look at me sideways. Didn’t piss in the toilet. At my last job they have the UA people come to the site , and the dude actually smelled the cup stating it was no good and that it’s QF, I argued it got sent to a lab right on the spot , luckily I had a second quick fix warmed up ready to go in my gooch too . So yeah , fuck the system but after each test I get hella anxious .
My boss said I need to re take it … I go into his office and hr later and he says sorry got you confused ur drug test was good . QUICK FIX WORKED 2024 DOT FEDERAL UA CONCENTR SENT TO MEDTOX 💯💯💯💯 no I’m not paid I just love smoking weed and fuckin the system