Is this from vaping? Literally fainting

I have a blue belt in kickboxing and was vaping for 3 years with no issues. That is until I started to literally drop to the floor during training. My body shuts down and i faint. I quit for a week but the problem didn't go away, naturally I rationalised that it wasn't the vape that caused the issue and bought a new one.

I wear a smart watch and the minute I start my warmup routine my heart rate goes up to 160. The faint I feel is like nothing I ever experienced it's a full body shut down, my head drops down and I can't move then all gets black and I drop to the floor.

I tried beta blockers and the same thing still happens every time I train, now it's been 2 months and I still don't know if it's from vaping. I vape 20mg disposal and it lasts me 3 weeks. So I feel like it's less than most people. Does it really have that much effect on my heart???? Also I get high HR readings randomly during the day. And have fainting spells outside of training.

I want to quit but also scared that I have something else. 😔