Will You Be Voting on Measure 3? Thoughts on Ranked-Choice Voting?

Hey Reno! With Measure 3 on the ballot this November, I’m curious if people are planning to vote and what everyone thinks about ranked-choice voting (RCV).

I've been seeing a lot of signs and billboards AGAINST RVC but none that are for it. It makes me wonder who is against it and why? Like, who is paying money to make sure it's voted against? When I see so much attention to a measure like this it raises a red flag.

For those who haven’t looked into it yet, Measure 3 would bring RCV to Nevada.

Pros of Ranked-Choice Voting:

More Choice & Less Strategic Voting: RCV lets you rank candidates in order of preference, which can help eliminate the “lesser of two evils” voting dilemma. Better Representation: Supporters believe RCV leads to more representative results, as candidates with broader support are more likely to win. Discourages Negative Campaigning: Since candidates would need to appeal to a wider base to gain second-choice votes, some argue it leads to more positive campaigns. Cons of Ranked-Choice Voting:

Complexity & Voter Confusion: Some voters find RCV confusing, and there could be a learning curve that affects turnout or voting errors. Counting Process: The tabulation for RCV is more complex and may take longer than traditional voting, potentially delaying results. Uncertain Impact on Outcomes: It’s hard to predict how RCV would change Nevada elections and whether it would actually lead to the changes supporters hope for. Are you planning to vote on Measure 3?

I'm leaning towards YES on 3. We need to get away from the 2 party system, lesser of 2 evil ordeal in my opinion.