I dont think yall understand that dumb "is kai human" post i made (i also dont understand it)

so let me "rephrase" it a little

for like 2 minutes my problem was... actually the main question of the post, then I realized the wiki was confusing me, because I thought both KAI GUY and KAI LAZURAI were the same species, since theyre both "kai" &​"Kai" (as in, in the kai legion, having a kai name) , and how that came to be was the fact that kai lazurai was described as a "kai male" on the first sentence like kai guy (and also example: trinks and Kyle also have the same structure) , which i thought that(BOTH) description was incorrect, because i thought they retconned kai guy being non-human after raindrops, apparently they didnt, its just him that isnt human.

if my rewording is also still confusing then uhhh...​ so basically I thought kai guy and kai lazurai were both human, but the wiki said BOTH arent, but in reality kai lazurai is human and kai guy is this """kai""" species

,,,, pretty sure I wasn't serious when I say something about "is it kai GUY or KAI guy" thing or whatever (im not sure I was probably high when I wrote that in), I think what I meant was probably like: I didnt actually think Kai Guy has his race in his name like "Human Finn" or "John snow husk" (haha get it????)​ I was just making it like... kai guy.... kai species?... KAI guy ( as in like replacing his title with his species to ask if Kai Guy is Human or "Kai")​... yknow..., Like I know that's his legion title like how the player have it.

none of this would had happen if it just said "unknown" on the species section, or maybe if that's his actual species name, then im headcanonning him as a homunculus accidentally created by Kai Lazurai's secret gay husband when they were younger (my writing skill is pesk trust me guys) and that's why his species is (allegedly) called ""​"kai"""