optimizing token usage and money spent

I first want to thank the roo developers for an awesome product. The last months I went from a qeroress website to a fully react app via the long road, as a non programmer installed in tempolabs, them bolt and then finally cscode and roo. I can't recall a time in my life where I learned so much in a short time.

As a non developer, the ai does everything for.me, I am probably not alone in this, and I probably do more rewrites due to learning new concepts then a developer would.

My code base is getting big and on a busy day I burn 30 euro's. I have mistakingly signed up for claude pro for a year, have to buy tokens anyway for the api and tried open router. Currently exploring the option of running a llm locally.

I have optimized the memory-bank to split up in days and have optimized the roo code system prompt for my environment and code (it produced a lot of typescript errors)

How would I be able to cut down token usage of buy them cheap? I feel there are so many options nowadays that I am ab bit confused.

I would prefer to use claude 3.5 and prefer to pay a monthly fixed fee