What to expect with motilpro
Hey Everyone,
I want to know how everyone felt on motilpro, and or its alternatives? Give me a breakdown if possible such as:
- How the first week or two went?
- Were you able to go about your day or did it impede at first?
- Was it an urgent need to go (within an hour or two of taking it) and you were glued to a toilet or did it help you?
- How has it helped and does it continue to if long term?
- Any negative reactions? And if so do you know why?
I want to start taking it, in an effort to solve my biggest problem with sibo, my constipation.
I firmly believe that my constipation is what is keeping my symptoms around and i notice that the more often i can empty my bowels the better i typically feel that day.
Thank you to everyone in advance for your responses!