Has SSI deeming changed ?

My friend (disabled due to severe seizures since infancy, single mom with disabled son on SSI due to severe intellectual disability and autism, no child support) has lost SSI due to getting a job offer in August. She was not put on the job until late September and was not paid until October. It's a school job so only 36 weeks a year. Her September and October payments were canceled before she got any wages.

This is the first thing about this situation that makes no sense to me-

Payments stopped based on the POTENTIAL of future income.

We have a daughter on SSI, our deeming always occurs after the month's income is reported. The payment comes after the deeming. That is, we would report wages for july in early august, deeming would happen after that in early august, and pay comes in September.

Based on this system my friend would have gotten income in october and November for the months during which she was not paid, even though she was being offered a job, and in September for July , when she had not even received a job offer.

Also she makes like 1600-1800 a month. So she should still get something, I thought, since earned income is divided in half. Has that changed? And I think her son should still be getting full SSI because there's not enough income to affect him, the way I reckon it.

She says she's appealed this decision and got denied and no one cares. When she perceives thatno one cares she shuts down. I want a way to give her confidence that the door is not shut in her face.