What was your funniest moment of season 2?

I think that some of us might need a laugh after all of that, so what was your favorite funny moment from this season?

The funniest moment from this season to me is when Wally confessed to kissing Janet at her birthday party. Everything about it is hilarious:

  • Wally rambling, trying to justify what he did before he even confesses to it
  • Janet's flabbergasted expression after he kisses her
  • The group collectively groaning in disgust as Wally covers his face with both of his hands, humiliated
  • Charley's expression
  • Quinn's "you call that a gift?"
  • The camera focuses on Maddie for a second and it almost looks like she's smirking, so she either thought it was funny and didn't want to laugh at him or Peyton was trying not to break character and giggle herself.

My honorable mention: Xavier and the salt!