Calling out Riot on spreading misinformation, and please fix seraphine ty
Just a recent lurker after the 13.21 changes were previewed.
It's pretty clear the balance team has made change with the wrong intent and direction, since Phreak's rundown videos are full of errors and misinformation.
The mana changes make it so you have more mana early, and less mana late This is straight up wrong, you do not have more mana early (lvs 1-3) because of the mana pool nerf, and any mp5 buff is dumped into the 30 mana nerf on w.
Empirically, this has been the exact case that I and my sera friends have experienced. You may have seen Phreak present a table showing it's a buff? I'm not too sure what 4 minute mana pool at level one means here in this table(, but I think Phreak is telling us to run it down so we stay level 1 for 4 minutes?
The correct way to do this table would have been to check the total mana pool dynamically with level up timers, across the different level up distributions in mid/bot/sup.
Seraphine healing is quadratic
This is also straight up incorrect, the proper healing equation is exponential, in other words you multiply your missing hp by 0.95 5 times if you hit 5 people. Yes, that means all the values in the table at this timestamp are just completely wrong (
We opened up W max on support seraphine which is cool
Again, straight up misinformation. 3 points Q into W max was always good. The changes did nothing in terms of opening up new level up patterns. If anything the 13.22 nerfs to Q cd only makes straight up maxing W first with 1 point in Q bad due to longer cd on Q rank 1.
Source: E+ 13.20, 13.19, 13.18 level up on lolalytics.
Support seraphine players want to go enchanter
No, almost a third of them build mage items. Looking at lolalytics, the highest frequency mythics are tied at liandries and echoes, except liandries is completed on average 3 minutes later. That means the most common mythic is actually liandries.
Source: E+ 13.20, 13.19, 13.18 on lolalytics.
On E+ 13.23, it still remains the most common mythic at around a third of the games.
Shurelyas has always had the higher winrate of support mythics across multiple patches, regardless of the changes. So maybe just recommend that as the default? Same with the recommended level ups? Make supports max W, so that when they are chilling at level 10 for the rest of the game, they have a more useful spell maxed.
Please Fix Seraphine
There's a super annoying E bug, where targets that are echo'd off of R don't get properly stunned and can cast abilities even though they have the stunned status from E. I've asked one of my sera main friends, and in their words, "E cc is not absolute".
E.g. R-E combo, and ekko spams zhonyas, and after R charm duration is up, they go into stasis even though the E stun is on their status bar.