Episode 7 handled (health issue) the best I've ever seen in film/television

(content warning for discussion of loss and infertility)

My partner and I just finished our fourth round of IVF with yet another total failure and this episode rocked us to our cores. What the actual fuck. The emotions, the bitterness and distance at times, the despair punctuated with moments of hope...

It was really well done.

I had a stillbirth last year and "I'll Be Seeing You" was the only song that got me through those first crushing months of grief, so hearing it juxtaposed the way it was on the episode has shattered me.

I loved and respected this show before but now it's a part of me in a way I couldn't expect when I started in on Episode 7.

I also feel like they somehow took material directly from my own life and it's unsettling as fuck.

I don't know how to feel except to say that I am in awe of this show and their handling of infertility was so sad and beautiful. And also the writers can go suck a fuck, respectfully.