Another SLAP Tear story: PT vs Surgery?
Male, 30 years old, 200 lbs no medications, no prior injuries, avid weightlifter for 10 plus years. Have had what my doctor called a very small "right posterior labrum tear with paralabral cyst" for around 6 months now. The injury happened over time from 10+ years of heavy overhead pressing in the gym. Doctor did not recommend surgery and have been doing a rehab/strengthening program for 2 months now. It seems to be somewhat helping but I'm not sure if its possible to heal and get back to strength training in the gym in the same way I have in the past.
I have basically full range of motion, popping/clicking is a daily thing especially in the morning, some days the shoulder feels completely fine and other days its very achy and painful even when doing nothing. I can do pretty much anything in the gym except heavy overhead pressing. I'd like to get an insight into peoples experiences who have gone through this injury because it sure is a crappy one to deal with. I am wondering if I am just delaying the inevitable or if the PT/strengthening exercises can solve the problem long term.
I should note that I have not worked with a PT in person, the program I am doing is one I found from an Australian guy on YouTube who was able to recover from SLAP tears in both shoulders without surgery. Admittedly its difficult because if I want feedback if I'm doing an exercise correctly I have to film myself doing it, send to the guy and wait for him to send me back a video with feedback. Thanks!