Sober vs. alcohol free

Hi all, I hope this is the right place to post something like this. Please let me know if it’s not!

So I quit drinking last august after I began having health problems related to alcohol (two glasses of wine would give me fever, chills, body aches, etc for a couple of days). That being said, I wasn’t happy with my relationship with alcohol at the time either. I was a moderate drinker and often felt like I would regret or be embarrassed about being inebriated in front of other people.

Anyways it’s been 7 months without drinking and I’m really happy with my decision. I haven’t been having any health problems like before and I’m learning to be more confident around others without alcohol. Truly it’s been a wonderful journey of getting to know myself in a different way.

All this brings me to yesterday. I had a splash of champagne to celebrate with some friends. I thought afterwards that I’d regret it or go back to drinking but..I didn’t? It didn’t feel like I’d made the wrong choice or been pressured by others. It honestly just felt like a nice symbolic gesture.

I guess I’m wondering if I need to be 100% alcohol free to be considered sober or if language like alcohol free would be more fitting. I think I’m also wondering if it is okay for someone in my situation to do what I did yesterday. I know the goal of sobriety is to avoid relapsing by completing removing alcohol but I don’t feel like I’m at risk for developing the same relationship I once had with alcohol by having a sip of champagne. Am I just in denial that I’m being tempted into drinking again?

If you made it this far thanks for reading would love to hear your thoughts