Booking through Chase - price change

Yes, yes, yes, I know it's always more advisable to book direct rather than through a third-party. And YES, I know I can transfer my Chase points to SW and book that way.

HOWEVER, I see that Chase is now offering 5x points on my Sapphire Reserve when I book a Southwest flight through the Chase travel portal, which is tempting.

My question though for anyone who has booked a Southwest flight through Chase (which I know is a fairly new offering): If the price drops later, is it possible/complicated to do a flight change to get the difference refunded? I know it's super easy to do when I've booked directly with Southwest, and I imagine any changes would have to be made through Chase rather than SW that correct? And if so, is it possible to get the credit for a price drop?

If not, I'll probably forego the 5x points to maintain the option of adjusting the price later.
