Advice Request: Dating Men as Someone Who Did the “Straight Man to Straight Woman” Pipeline


Hello! I (23 MTF) am nearing two years on hormones. Pre-transition, I lived as a straight man, dated women (even had a long-term girlfriend), and gave little indication that I was into men, nor did I really believe I was. When I started my transition at the beginning of 2023, I figured I would be a lesbian, though I decided to take a break from dating for the first couple years of my transition. Around the time I hit one year on hormones and started living full-time, I started becoming attracted to men. I view this not as something hormones did to me, but more as being comfortable with myself as well as with expressing my sexuality. Throughout 2024, my attraction to men increased and now I’m at the point where I label myself as (mostly) “straight.” Now, I feel comfortable and confident enough in myself to tackle dating again. 

Now, this has left me in an awkward position for a few reasons: 

The first reason is that I have no idea how to date men, what they like, or how to convey my attraction to them.

The second reason is I am kind of shit at flirting and have no idea what men want, no idea how to “perform” in bed, and kind of terrified of being so vulnerable sexually/romantically. I was expecting to retain my attraction to women and I somehow hit the “straight man to straight woman” pipeline.

The third reason is I’m at a point in my transition where I definitely convey *woman* but am also tall and clocky: Pretty (or so I’m told because I have trouble believing it), but not fully passing. 

The last reason is that I feel cut off from every aspect of the community, in the sense that I didn’t hang around gay communities like (I assume) many other straight trans women did pre-transition, nor do I fit the trans lesbian spaces quite well. Though I have a trans friend and many cis female friends, most aren't equipped to help me with my specific problem.

So, with all that being said, I humbly ask the following:


What advice would you give to a straight trans woman, who only has had any experience dating women? What do Men Like? What should I know? Sex? Romance? Dating Men 101: Introduction to Dating Men. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

TL;DR: I lived as a straight man pre-transition and am now a straight woman who feels like she missed out on years and wants “Dating Men 101”

*Tagged NSFW for brief mention of sexual themes*