Boosting my resume
I’m going back to school after a 13 year hiatus with the goal of getting into nursing school starting Fall of 2026. I have a lot of pre reqs done from when I went to school previously, but my grades are mediocre. I don’t have any sciences done yet, so I’m taking Bio and Chem this upcoming Spring and then A&P 1 in the fall. I am now at a different place in my life and pretty confident I can pull off As in these classes. Will getting As be enough to get me into nursing school? Would it be wise for me to get my CNA certification? I have to pay out of pocket for everything because we don’t qualify for financial aid and I’m not trying to take out loans yet, so I don’t want to have to pay another 2k to become a CNA if I don’t have to. I also have young kids and I’m hoping to be home with them for a couple more years while I’m in school. Are there other things I can do to boost my resume?