"Paying more than you're required to is the actions of a mentally disabled person." r/assholedesign discusses American tipping culture

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/1ipac94/this_restaurant_placed_a_sticker_over_the_no_tip


If you go to a restaurant with the intent not to tip, don’t go to a restaurant

Paying more than you're required to is the actions of a mentally disabled person. Have some self respect, value your time.

Mentally disabled people lack self respect?

No, they lack reasoning.

So someone paying more than they’re required (like tipping) is a mentally disabled person? What about the $5 I gave to a homeless person today, which wasn’t required at all, am I mentally disabled?

I never said they were mentally disabled. I said they were acting in a way a mentally disabled person would act.

So I’m acting like a mentally disabled person for giving a homeless man money?

People bitching about tipping is so cringe. Keep your broke ass at home if you can’t afford your Starbucks or whatever.

Or maybe pay people a living wage to begin with? Just an idea

Just say you’re poor. It’s ok.

Says the guy whining about his tips.

“My” tips 😆

Just peel that shit off. What's the problem?

I bet you would too right there In front of the employees huh tough guy

Why, is the employee gonna beat me up if I do it? 🤣

“What happened to you?” “I didn’t tip and the bus boy broke my legs”

Bus boy washed all the dishes. on my face

I dont fucking care if this gets me booed offstage or even BANNED... all i have to say to this restaurant is Good, they are doing gods work. As someone who works delivering pizzas, if i could FORCE people to give a tip, i would. I need that money to survive... you know, affording both rent and food at the same time, and you have no idea how many people DON'T tip on MASSIVE orders that would normally have a 5 to 15 dollar tip

Redditors disproportionately hate tipping.

Why, though? If they knew the struggle, they would tip better.

There are a lot of foreigners who don't have tipping in their countries and who don't understand the American system, no matter how many times it is explained to them. And it's Reddit, for Americans, there are a lot of basement dwelling nerds who are just social morons and bad people. Watch and wait to see if the responses to this prove my point.

It's not that we don't understand the system, the system is shit. This system gets you mad at the customer for not paying you properly instead of your employer, no wonder they love it.

I mean if you leave no tip (in the US) you are genuinely an asshole. It’s a dumb system, but it’s the system we have, and when you don’t tip you’re screwing over someone who makes $2.12 per hour

If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. People who don't tip want something for nothing - they expect the labor that brought them the food to cost them only $2.12 and they get offended when they have to pay the actual the cost of that labor via tips. For anyone who says it's not really work, go work in a restaurant. Any of them.

They’re not “expecting something for nothing” they’re literally paying the price for it.

You mean, I have to PAY for the food in a restaurant? I thought it was for free and I need to pay the waiting staff their salary, no? (Just a mandatory /s here)

You shouldn’t be paying the staff’s salary, that’s the restaurant’s job!

Then the price on the menu will be double.

Get rid of tipping all together. Businesses should pay a livable wage. Period.

I get you're a redditor so you just say shit without think twice but restaurants LITERALLY cannot afford to do that shit. I don't know why any of you can understand this simple fact

They dont take tips in Europe and it is working

The level of service expected is totally different.

If you can't afford a tip you can't afford to eat out.

If you can't afford to pay employees enough that a tip isn't mandatory for them to not starve or go homeless, you can't afford employees.

Employees of tipped jobs functionally get paid the same minimum wage as anyone else, at least in the US. The employer just takes the first $5/hour of tips.

Which is abusive. Not my fault this is somehow considered normal. I'd never work a job where the employer treats me like that. I worked kitchen to avoid the entire server insanity.