Womanhood is driving me insane
I don't wanna be a woman, I don't wanna deal with womanhood anymore. I might just shoot myself if I ever have a period again. I don't even want kids...I don't ever wanna be pregnant. Why do I have to deal with this? Why am I being punished by nature for not getting pregnant?
I don't wanna deal with sexism anymore. Why am I hated for literally just existing? I've never even dated a man before and yet men take their anger out on me because they assume I'm just like the women they've dated. They assume all women are cheaters and liars and that they'll sleep with anyone I'VE NEVER SLEPT WITH ANYONE IN MY LIFE WHY ARE YOU MAD AT ME????
And ofc they don't believe that because "all women are liars" YOU'RE JUST FINDING EXCUSES TO NOT LISTEN TO US AND YOU THINK IT'S SUCH A MYSTERY WHY WOMEN DON'T LIKE YOU???
But yeah I just don't wanna deal with ts anymore. Any of it. I'm so done with being a woman. I'll never be taken seriously and I'll always be treated like an object to be sexualized. And my body isn't even curvy or developed so I'll always be dehumanized for not being sexy enough because that's the ONLY thing that matters when you're a woman. I'm literally spiraling from having beauty standards forced onto me since birth. I don't ever remember a time when I wasn't dreaming about looking like Marilyn Monroe. And now that I've fully grown into my body, those expectations I set for myself are destroying me. I don't have the curvy, feminine figure I always wanted and was promised. I look like a boy. Why couldn't I have been a biological boy though? I know they have their own problems but if I'm being honest, I'd much rather deal with guy problems than put up with this any longer.