Cherry Zashimi from Bay Smokes - An Honest Review
Cherry Zashimi from Bay Smokes - An Honest Review
The Details:
- Cherry Zashimi (Bay Smokes)
- 20.126% Total THC
- 0.079% Δ9 (farm bill compliant)
- Total cannabinoids: 23.503%
- Lab tested by New Bloom Labs (March 2024)
First 4 pics without flash Last 3 with
Ordered a gram of this premium flower just to check it out. I was originally told this package was lost until I went to pick up a package from a client and this was mysteriously with it.
The presentation is basically one main bud with a little guy accompanying him. Like most budget hemp products, they've been tumbled - no intact trichome heads on the outside. But break open the bud and it's actually covered and sparkly inside. Tried to get a decent shot of that in the pic.
Aroma is pretty on-point with the strain profile, though there's still that chemical back-end that lingers. That can sometimes be attributed to cherry notes though. Getting slight gassy and sweet cherry tones with some earthy notes and a definite creaminess. Rolling a .3 cone, the dry pull tastes very much like an unsweetened cherry Tootsie Roll.
When smoking, it's super creamy with hints of earthy cherry. The creaminess actually dominates the profile in a surprisingly enjoyable way. There are some minor hemp notes, but they're rounded out by that creamy profile. Fun.
Halfway through the cone and I'm feeling it in my eyes. The smoothness deteriorates as the session continues, but the taste holds up. I'm definitely high because I've been staring at this sentence for 10 minutes only to write that I've been staring for 10 minutes. Has surprising pain-killing properties, though it did introduce a little anxiety. All around physically calming though - I can feel the tension relief in my forehead and eyes.
Overall, this isn't terrible. I'm not usually a fan of cherry strains, but this was dominated by that creaminess, making it actually enjoyable to taste. Effects were all over the place and gave me a cloudy, confused high that definitely has its time and place but could throw you off if you weren't ready.
The smell is potent but honestly a bit suspicious - not saying anything specific, but it did have an unnaturally chemical background and got relatively harsh as the smoke continued. For flavor hunters, definitely worth trying. For most other metrics at this price point? There are better options out there. It's not cost-effective and doesn't command the price they're asking, but it's not terrible product by any means.