Top 10 Players for PS4. (Na east)
1.MehNameWaffles The best player in the game and it’s not even close.He has many moves that will be able to hit you with and wreck you with.
A chill dude, he’s able to beat anyone that’s willing to fight him. Plays very aggressively and has a tendency for pushing everyone in his power.
- TheRealOne-11
He’s gotten a bit rusty lately, But he’s still one of the best players. He plays very smart like and can beat anyone with his grapple hook.
The best jet wings player in the game.Need I say more.
Plays jet wings and can really can beat anyone Hup in the air.
Maybe the smartest jet wings player out there, He always plans his attacks with speed.
- Tsm- Good123
Plays Headhunter very smartly and quickly And can hit you from any place.
Plays all classes and still pop off, The beat all around player.
Jet wings player that can play you all around and can win with ease
- Ryuk-Kaneill
Jet wings player that can attack with ease from all sides and a clutch player