I finally, truly understand The Guilty Remnant.
I'm Chicano, my parents are citizens but they entered this country illegally. I am reading what the coming administration is saying they want to do and it is clear that tho we may not be at the top of the list, we are certainly on the list of people they want to either deport or lock in cages separated from our families. Given the amount of power the right wing has it is not a matter of if they will come for us but when. I'm trying to explain this to my family and tell them they need to make plans to leave the country ASAP to keep ourselves safe. They absolutely hate me for this, they hate it when I talk about it, when I express any amount of worry they all just get upset and try to placate me even though I'm telling them that the material reality is that these people have every intent to come after us, they have the means to do so, and once Trump takes office they will have the opportunity and it is naive to assume or hope they won't. At work I try and put up a brave face but everything feels hollow and like everyone is just woating for the next shoe to drop. I can't help but feel like the GR. Like I see what is coming on the horizon but if I react to this threat I am seen as crazy and if I try and help my loved ones I'm seen as a nuisance. I feel stuck, I think about my family these days and am filled with immense dread because it feels like any day now they will be taken from me. And like the GR I can't do anything but take drastic steps to keep myself safe except rather than wearing white and chainsmoking I'm getting my Mexican citizenship and looking at a viable career path for myself in Mexico. This shit sucks man, I don't know what to do but I know I can't keep pretending shit hasn't changed. I'm not trying to make a political post but shit, I know I don't want to feel this way.