Newbie Question on Creating Staff House Accounts

Just switched to Toast. As an employment perk, our staff members get monthly, non-rolled over allotments to spend on beverage, based on employment status and years of service. In previous systems, we were able to utilize an accounts option where these funds can manually be added on the back-end each month. I haven’t been able to figure out the best method to do this in toast.

Our account manager said to use customer credit, but the reporting is pretty brutal on that from what I can see. We’d like to be able to recall details of transactions used on these credit accounts, if needed. I haven’t found a way to do that yet.

With toast house accounts, there doesn’t seem to be a way to manually limit each persons house account to a specific dollar amount.

We do have gift cards and e-gift cards so maybe the best option is to set up manual giftcard codes and 100% discount payment of these?

Looking for advice from those more Toast experienced than myself… thanks!