I made a character design concept sheet for a Tokyo Ghoul Fighting Game. This is purely me having fun, not an actual plan or anything
Fighting game terms explained:
Shoto = All rounder. Ryu, Sol Badguy, etc.
Neutral = Good at controlling the space around you
Grappler = big dude who grabs things but is slow
Zoner = long reaching attacks
Setplay = placing things on the screen to help you
Install = a super attack which temporarily buffs your character
Armour = attacks that absorb other attacks during their duration.
The only one i didnt do is Rize, because I genuinely dont know what archetype she could fit but felt necessary to add her. If you dont understand any of the terms here then feel free to ask!
I felt these were the most important characters or characters that fit well into the game. A character like Nico might not be super important to the story but he serves as a good joke character.