Sean surprised me tbh
I was curious to see if this problematic kid would treat me different if I was his friend and he actually does! Idk I think it would be cool to see him in future seasons. I kinda like THIS side of him. No, im not saying he wasnt a total toxic boyfriend, im just saying a rendemption arc would suit him. He is young, imature and that story of the green hair actually made me think "is he like that because of how he was treated as a child?" (IM NOT SAYING ITS AN EXCUSE, traumas are no free pass to be an ahhhole). I think it would be interesting to see a grown up, changed version of Sean, cause sometimes it looked like he really didnt understand what he did wrong, unlike some manipulative blondie from past seasons. Again, im not saying he is a total cool guy, he is a walking red flag and was pretty toxic with Giselle (even tough sometimes I also believed Julian and Giselle had something, but the way Sean reacted? Nah uh). All im saying is that he shows potential 😃👍
(Those scenes are when we are a spy and choose to exit and when giselle kicks Sean out)