Avoiding Prosperity Gospel?

Hi everyone, so I just had a quick question regarding this prosperity gospel idea. Just for some background I’m really struggling in school right now, I am a pre-medical student and this has been the toughest semester of my life so far. I’ve had thoughts about suicide and have been feeling depressed for almost 7 weeks now. There are good and bad days. I’ve been praying to God more and more throughout this time. However, recently I’ve seen online Christian creators talk about avoiding the prosperity gospel. I know that I should not just be calling out to Jesus when I need something, I know he is not some genie that will grant all the wishes that I have. Is it OK that I ask him for help during this time? I’ve just been in so much pain with school I know it’s a pathetic thing to be depressed about but emotionally. I just can’t handle it. Is it okay for me to ask God for help to take my pain away? I know he doesn’t owe me anything and I owe him everything.