Taking a break from TTC?

When do you decide to take a break and literally how do you stop?

Back story: I was told at a very young age that I may never have children. I have PCOS, endometriosis and was also going through epilepsy at the time. So when I got married three years ago, we almost immediately started trying. Through all the tests we learned it was not as bad as the first doctor made it seem, but was still pretty bad. I’m in my early 20s and I pushed a lot off because my desire to be a mother was so strong and I felt like I was running out of time. I settled for a job that was flexible for motherhood, I bought a car that would be reliable and comfortable for kids, and we bought a house that would be good for a growing family. Now three years and multiple losses later, I want to put me first but have absolutely no idea what that means. I want to finish my dream of being a nurse but I can’t let go of my dream of being a mom. How do I decide which dream is more important right now? And I know the answer seems obvious but I feel so guilty for wanting to stop. We want a baby more than anything and the years has just made that want so much stronger but I also want to be proud of myself. I’ve become so obsessive over ttc that I don’t know anything else. I feel so stuck and frustrated.