Withdrawing pension pot @29 years old

Good Evening,

I am 29 years old, I currently have two private pension pots with around 30k each in.

Is there a way that I can access the funds from the one pension pot now? If so I understand that there will be tax implicaitons by doing so. (From what i've read, up to 55%).

The questions I pose:

  • What is the process involved?
  • Are there any strict requirements in order to close my pension account early?
  • How long from closing to funds in account?
  • Would it be better to speak with a tax adviser ahead of doing this, or a pension adviser?
  • Is this legally allowed?

There seems to be different information online, and all say different things.

To preempt any questions, no, I am not in any financial difficulties. I'd be using the money to put towards an investment property, am around 20k short presently, and with this months wages, and the closing of the pot at around that rate, it should get me there. No I am not looking for advice on what to do, whether it's the right decision etc. I understand what i am asking and why it is a bad idea in most eyes.

Appreciate any help in advance.