To The Complainers

People don't realize how typically miserable it is to play tanks especially against high mobility / poke, champions (Nearly all new champs since yasou), they are THE punching bag. The primary receiving end of riots '200 years of game development' mishaps and monstrosities. But the moment tanks have a chance at surviving longer than 3 seconds against a braindead adc main who right clicks on them and goes afk and they're dead when they get back, they start whining.

There are several dozens of items to counter tanks, and a plethora of champions that counter tanks too: Max hp dmg champs, magic & phys hybrid dmg champs, true dmg champs, max hp true dmg champs, mobile champs, mobile ranged champs, hard cc like airbornes, grevious wounds, serpents fang, kiting, max hp dmg items, peel items, armor pen, magic pen, crit dmg, lifesteal, on and on and on. These are just SOME of the easy ways to counter tanks and their items.

Lots of matches I see that have whiners complaining about a tank doing literally the only thing tanks are supposed to do: survive, be tanky, and cc enemies. And yet I rarely see any of them picking or building the several dozens of things designed to counter tanks.

Riot bends over backwards to ruin any amount of fun for tanks by providing dozens upon dozens of methods to destroy tanks and somehow some people are still so lobotomized they cannot figure it out.

Urf has never been intended to be fully balanced, and people flaming and complaining that their single digit IQ one-shot combo of right clicking an enemy didn't work in the for-fun goofy mode is one of the reasons why riot doesn't want to make it permanent cause it would be a monumental task to finely balance urf which inevitably intellectually disadvantaged outdoors-aversed creatures will still complain about everything anyways.
