The attack speed cap has made URF significantly less fun for me

It's so sad that they removed the attack speed cap removal of Lethal Tempo. I used to love going Lethal Tempo on some specific champs and it was some of the most fun I had in URF, even if I didn't always win.

Vayne was the obvious one. Used to go attack speed Vi as well, just max out W (it deals max health physical damage every proc). Or Kai'Sa. Or really any champ that has an attack proc. Even Camille was fun because during her ult, her basic attacks deal max health magic damage. It was just so fun to go with these niche "machine gun" type of builds.

But now, only Kennen can reach those ridiculous 3.5 or 4.0+ attack speeds consistently. And Jinx but only during her passive. Wish they'd at least change Lethal Tempo back for URF.