I suck, someone feels the same?
I just need to let this out of my chest. I suck at this game. My boyfriend, my friends, his friends, our common friends, everyone plays this game, some of them started playing after them, but anyway, they are better than me. I try so hard to learn line ups, to learn the vocabulary you have to use, to learn how ultis of other characters work. (I have to be the starter cause no one apart from one friend enjoy that role). Before this, I came from work to sit down with my bf and play something like stardew valley or else, and I enjoyed it, but he wanted to play Valorant with me. Everyone says I suck but always ask me to play cause they "miss me" when I'm not there. I get that you can have a outgoing personality that makes you valuable in a group, I always liked to be like that, but I feel sad. I feel stupid crying over some virtual stats on a game but my bff invited her bf to the match today. My bff are diamond 3 and gold e, my bf was playing too, he hasn't ranked a lot yet but he's silver 3. My bff boyfriend's is gold 3 too. I was matched with some people that wouldn't even let me move before I was headshoted. I was on round 14 or so when I managed to kill someone. I ended 1/25/0. I just felt so disappointed. I practice and try to learn and only when I'm alone I can be satisfied with my progress. When I'm with them I feel useless cause all I can do is shoot an arrow or throw a dizzy before getting killed. I'm always the worst player in my team, second worst sometimes in general. And everyone sends me reels of line ups and advice. I have memorized them all, but they don't work cause I suck and general playing skills can't be obtained by reading a post. I'm tired of coming home to play something that will make me sad or wonder why on earth someone would play with me apart from my bf that is obliged to. I would like to know if someone feels the same, I hope I'm not the only good for nothing on this game.
Anyway, sorry for the bad English, not my first language.