Watch TV *with friends* in Television 1.4.2 Update

New update to Television, the app for watching YouTube and your own media on TV sets from the past and future. Now you can sit next to your friends’ Spatial Personas and watch in sync on the same TV, like you’re in the same room. Check out the video for a demo.

I’m convinced the Vision Pro is a social device, despite it being best used in private. SharePlay is Apple’s framework for letting users experience things together. Once you feel it, you get what I mean.

Am I on the right track with this? Have you had any social experiences in AVP that prove out this social vision of the device’s future?

Also if you’ve tried Television and you like it, do me a favor and leave a nice rating or review. It makes all the difference for visionOS developers to have this support.

Me and my homie Beamer watch one of my favorite moments of recorded media