Vyvanse and Propranolol

I started vyvanse a week ago today, and had what I thought was a side effect of this was tachycardia. But I had already suspected I had POTS as well as ADHD. The vyvanse actually made me hyper aware of my heart beat and i started monitoring and when standing it’s up to 140s-160s. I dug deeper and it turns out it’s been hitting these numbers almost daily for months, i guess i just didn’t notice. But today I started Propranolol 80mg er, which sounded like a really high dose? I’ve seen other people on both but no one on 80mg qd. I took the vyvanse at 6am with my klonopin and then took the propranolol about an hour ago (9am-ish) to space them out. I have really bad anxiety now? it’s almost like it cancelled out the calming effects of both of the other two meds despite also being something that can be prescribed for anxiety as well. it makes no sense and i have discomfort in my chest but not like my hearts racing anymore, which it’s not exactly normal but it’s getting lower. it’s mostly full mentally feeling of worry, but idk what i’m worried about.