Since everyone's been talking about, literally every other mode, let me share my thoughts on a mode I'm not seeing talked about, GM mode.

Now, I'll preface this by saying, yes I'll still be playing GM mode. Yes, it has gotten better each year, and yes Online GM mode sounds awesome and I hope it works. However there are a couple things that I disagree with, no intergender in MyGM is disappointing. I get that it's online now and not everyone will want to have it but it should be an option and there should be something that lets other people know 'the host has intergender enabled' that way they aren't surprised with it after the fact. I'm also a little disappointed that there seems to be no new brands this year. 23 introduced WCW, 24 introduced ECW. I get that those are the two Big ones but it'd be cool to have some other options. Hell if I'm not mistaken NXT 2.0 was still an option in 24. If they don't want to/can't give us other promotions I understand but I would like some variety like let's say... Raw & Smackdown 02. The arenas are already there, the championships are there. Actually... With how arenas work in MyGM you really don't need the arenas, just the logos, but I digress. Something like that where it isnt the same every single time and if you want a Attitude or Ruthless aggression theme the save more closely resembles that. This leads me into another gripe I have. I'm really hoping Cross brand PLEs are optional. Now listen, I'm glad they are back because at the very least the Big 4 should always be cross branded and all shows being cross branded does replicate certain eras of WWE including this current one. However again, if you have Raw vs. WCW vs. ECW you're probably going for a 90s feel and thus it doesn't make sense for any PLEs to be cross branded. It's just a perspective I don't think people have considered. Now I do whole heartedly believe this is in the plans but for GM mode to ever be on par with the SvR versions there's two things that need to be done, allow all match types but with some being PPV exclusive, you know the ones I'm talking about, Rumble, Wargames, Chamber, Money in the Bank. These all need to be included at some point and need to be Brand vs. Brand to add to the drama. But one last thing... It needs to follow a proper calendar. This 25 week stuff has never and will never feel right to me because what the hell happens in the other 25 weeks out of the year? It doesn't make sense, and I get wanting it to go by faster but now since you have to win 10 trophies to actually be considered 'the winner' id argue that doesn't really hold up as a good reason anymore. We need at least the option back for a season to be a whole year again. The only problem I see them running into is not having enough PLEs maybe? But I'm sure they could come up with something. Anyway, what's your guys thoughts?