An idea to fix the game's balance
I have noticed that there is a big discussion regarding the game's issues, like OP vehicles, bad matchmaking, cl*ckers, bad map design, new mechanics etc. And it's not just the community but the CCs are also talking about it. I also gave it a thought and would like to propose a solution to at least a portion of the problems.
How about introducing Tier decompression? What I mean by this is maybe it is time for WG to let go of the 1-10 tier formula and maybe extend it by like 2 more tiers. The idea obviously comes from WoT's competitor, WarThunder, where the developers recently added another 'Battle Rating' level, extending it up to 14.0. Battle ratings in WT work somewhat similarly to Tiers in WoT where vehicles of certain battle rating are matched equally or can either be uptiered (facing vehicles of up 1.0 BR point higher than theirs) or downtiered (facing vehicles up to 1.0 BR point lower than theirs.) so kind of similar to the WoT +/-2 MM. For example a 6.0BR Tiger E can't face a 4.7 T-34-57 but it will face a M4A1 (76W) that is on 5.0 BR. At the same time that Tiger E will never face something like an IS-3 because IS-3 has a BR of 7.3. This system works great provided there is enough room in the Battle Rating range which gets smaller as Gaijin, WT's developer, adds new, sometimes not so balanced vehicles or introduces new mechanics to existing ones. In case a tank is outperforming the tanks of equal battle rating, but can't be moved higher in BR bracket, because it will become obsolete, is where a problem appears and the solution to this is extending the Battle Rating range, and moving everything that needs to be moved higher or lower in BR. Back in the day that same Tiger E and its brother the H1 could bully KV-1s all day long, while laughing as the Soviet HT could basically only scrape the paint off the German HT's hull. Now this is no longer the case as they were both moved up in their BR. This formula applies to both standard vehicles and the premium ones.
So what I am essentially proposing is extending the Tier range from 10 to 12. Seriously some tanks at tier 9 could be considered tier 10, if given some HP and minimal stats change. I feel like Char Futur 4 is one of the examples of this. Literally give it like 200-300HP, add 10 meters of base view range, maybe drop it's reload down to roughly 30 seconds and you'd have a tier 10 sniping MT. Then you have tanks like the Obj 277. That thing is literally faster than many tier 8 MTs and even some tier 9s, kills tier 8 HTs in 3/4 shots while having a turret with practically no weak spots. Why should it meet things like the the TNH 105/1000 that can't even use its turret against it?
This would also allow WG to move some OP tier 8 tanks up the Tier scale, while not changing their stats. I mean it's not like they would face tanks that they have not encountered before, they just wouldn't be able to face tanks that have no chance of beating them. Better yet, WG could implement minor buffs to them when moving something like BZ-176, from Tier 8 to 9 (Only HP though) so noone can say they are nerfing the tank.
Another thing that it would also somewhat fix is the Artillery problem. WG could make the SPGs work like Carriers do in World of Warships, where they kind of serve a similar role as WoT's SPGs, aka provide indirect fire support. However In WoWs Carriers are avaible on tiers 4, 6, 8 and 10. Why not make the WoT's SPGs only be avaiable on tiers 6, 8, 10 and 12? As an example I'll use the American SPG line. M44 at tier 6, M12 at tier 8, M53/55 at tier 10 and finally T92 at tier 12. I believe this would be fair since artillery doesn't really feel worse to play whether in an uptier or downtier.
Finally the extension of BR range would also allow WG to add more vehicles. And I'm not saying something like the M1 Abrams but there are still a ton of Cold War era tanks and vehicles from the 50s and 60s that are yet to be added.
So yeah that is about all I have to say. What do you guys think of the idea? Have a nice day.