Baganator (bag addon) has passed 10 million downloads [addon]

I'm the author and I want to thank to everyone who tried out the addon, recommended it, made bug reports, feature requests, or contributed.

It has now reached 10,000,000 downloads. A staggering milestone. I'm ecstatic to reach this point 🥳

Just 9 months ago it was 1 million 😮, and the addon was just 8 months old!

Baganator creates a one window view for your bags, either as a grid of icons for you to arrange (or hit the "Sort" button) or in categories which are automatically arranged and fully customisable. There are options to configure what appears on each icon, themes, including one to match ElvUI and various sorting methods.

Categories and single bag view composite

There's just two other bag addons to have ever crossed the 10 million mark, Arkinventory and Bagnon.

If you haven't tried Baganator yet I think you'll like it 😁. Feature requests/bug reports welcome.