Elimination Chamber 2025 Predictions

( these are just my dumb predictions and are just a bit of fun) 😁

  • Tiffany Stratton & Trish Stratus Vs Nia Jax & Candice LeRea

My guesses are that this will be the opener, Big pop for stratus and Tiffy, Probably won’t be a classic but I’m sure it’ll get the crowd going.

Nia and candice will dominate for the majority of the match but Don’t see it going any other way than a win for the faces and good way for Trish to maybe set up be last match with Tiffany.

I would also hazard a guess that Charlotte flair will also make an appearance at the end to face off with Stratton.

  • Women’s Elimination Chamber Match

I’m still Debating about who I think will start of the match, My guesses are either Bayley & Roxanne or to spice it up Bianca & Naomi.

I originally thought that maybe Raquel would turn on liv to try and take her wrestlemania spot but after their title win on raw I don’t see that happening.

Roxanne will have another great showing, eliminating Bayley and setting up a wrestlemania match.

After losing the titles on raw, I think Bianca and Naomi will clash and start to show friction friction, then bianca costs Naomi her spot.

It will go down to liv vs Bianca and after a tense back and forth, Bianca pulls of the win securing her place against the world champion at wrestlemania.

  • Kevin Owens Vs Sami Zayn (Unsanctioned Match)

WWE have been hyping this match up as one of the bloodiest battles these two frenemies will ever have.

And while I think it will be a slobber knocker I don’t think it will top their previous encounters.

I’m hoping for an all out brawl that takes place all over the area, big spots left right and centre, making it feel like these two are out here to kill each other.

Kevin will dominate the match with Sami using his all to try and fight back. But eventually Kevin will set him up for another package piledriver to end it all when…. Boom! Randy Orton returns.

Exacting his revenge for what owens did to him, going crazy and setting him up for a punt kick.

But just before, Owen’s rolls out of the ring manages to escape through the crowd.

Setting up their rivalry and match for wrestlemania.

  • Men’s Elimination Chamber Match

This is my hardest prediction as I was fully expecting John Cena to come in and win it no matter what. But Dwayne has to come in AGAIN! Throwing all my hopes up in the air.

Starting the match I believe punk and Logan will go at it with punk giving him a beating. Third in will be drew who comes in and immediately takes out punk.

Fourth will be priest, coming in and getting a few spots before drew takes him down. Fifth is Rollins who clashes straight away with punk.

I don’t think anyone will be eliminated until all men are in the ring, with a couple men standing the timer starts counting down.

The last man to enter… John cena

Now it’s an all out frenzy between them all, Logan will either jump from the top of the pod or be thrown from it.

Someone will be sent through the pod. Hopefully Logan aswell 🤞🏻

After drew eliminates priest, Logan eliminates drew and cena eliminates Logan. Somehow the chamber door will be opened (medical attention or something) and after Rollins hits punk with a stomp. The OTC out of nowhere with a spear!

Leaving Rollins vulnerable to an arising cm punk who hits him with a GTS and eliminates him.

Now it’s Punk & Cena and I have no idea where this goes. punk chasing the main event at wrestlemania and Cena chasing that historic 17th world title.

Like I said i firmly believed that cena was going to win it and go on to face Cody, but now with the rock involved in the mix and looking for a “corporate champ” im just gonna have to say that punk wins it.

It breaks my heart but so did the royal rumble, it may be his last chance at wrestlemania but it isn’t his last chance ever.

  • The Rock/Cody Rhodes Segment

(I believe the outcome of this is going to be Heavily Influenced by how the men’s chamber match goes. If punk wins this goes in last and if Cena wins it happens before the match.)

Going with the idea that punk wins the chamber match and has booked his ticket against Cody in the main event.

I think that rock will come out, goosebumps and all talk up the crowd for a while before demanding Cody to come down and give the rock his answer.

Serious Cody comes out, no woahhh gets straight to it and begins to seem like he is agreeing with what the rock is saying.

Until he says that he doesn’t need half a billion instagram followers or a seat in the board room.

He has the WWE universe and their the only people who wants to be the champion of.

The Rock enraged that Cody has turned him down him and says he’s done pretending to be friends with Cody, hits him with a rock bottom and announces he’s true corporate Champion…