Before you SELL please consider THIS

If you are concerned about your investment going down please consider the following: The entire market as a whole is in a downward swing at the moment but it always swings back up. It might not return as fast as you like but it does. Especially XRP. Just relax. Don't panic sell like the guy I just read about who sold at a 50% loss of his investment. How absolutely stupid. Look at what the experienced people are doing and saying. Those who have been here before and understand the game are holding what they have knowing it will go back up. Many are taking advantage of the lower price and buying more. To most people XRP is a long game, not a day traders game. So just relax. XRP is not going anywhere but back up. Even if it dips down a little more it will come back up.

TLDR: Relax, the price comes back up.