Navori ?

I didn't really played zeri in the past few day as i think she is really bad compared to most options on the botlane. So i played tristana, and got along with an item we didnt really thought about in a long time : navori, few month or years ago (i dont remember), it was the go-to item for every game, and it was the most fun i had on zeri ever (i wasnt playing league when stuff like tri-force or stridbreaker was the meta so never tried these out).

Now i need your take on this : if you were to build navori every game (i dont mind it not being meta/not good on zeri, i just want the fun) what would you think would be the build/runes, my take is that you could run swiftess instead of berzeker as it would give you already 1.50 AS, and i didnt tried but i think swiftess can be good on zeri.

We all know that s15 is the same as s14 for the moment as "one-shot the adc as he is useless anyway" so imo navori is really good to give you that self peeling with E or countering champs that can reach you quickly with W.

I didnt really tried all the current builds possible, so i run yun tal as i find it really cool (yep that it 😅), but i dont mind rushing statikk, im not really good at making builds, so that why i need your help.