Sion seems too OP to be so luck based
Sion is BIS in the first 2 CR he was introduced and seems like a beast in NC for multiple teams not just R6. The RNG is to crazy to release a character that strong where it's mostly luck if you are able to build him all the way. We need a hero choice bad for dragon elites. Some whales posting using 500k diamonds and not getting enough copies to 1. Even if they made the diamond price extremely high I would happily go for it. I need 2 copies to 1 it and I'm starting to have crazy thoughts about using dragon cards for it if it continues to be a monster in CR. I probably will be continuing to use scrolls when I get them rather then saving up for the next elite just cause I don't think I can wait another 3-4 months to try and get those last 2 copies. I also liked the previous post a little bit ago that outlined some other ways to make it a little better, I will try and find the link.reddit post