AirPod pros are awful
I’m here to express my grievances but also need advice because I don’t know if there’s anything I can do to improve on this. I bought air pod pros 2 years ago as they came recommended for their sound quality and noise cancellation. The noise cancellation was fantastic in the beginning, I’d put them on and not be able to hear anything on my commutes to work. Well, fast forward to now, the noise cancellation is basically gone. I think the only thing muffling any noise is the rubber ear pieces, but I can hear full conversations going on around me and any other ambient noise. And I know I don’t have them on adaptive noise that that should be happening.
Don’t even get me started on the battery life, it’s absolute shit, I charged my case almost to completion yesterday and within 20 mins my AirPod right now is reading 5% battery life when it was in the case charging all night.
I’m planning on switching to over the ear noise cancelling headphones and will continue to use my AirPods for when I’m working in the office but needless to say when these go I am never repurchasing another Apple accessory ever again.