Exam papers in 2024
Is it just me or is Cambridge randomly changing the exam pattern because what the heck is with this year's papers?! I continuously solved past papers and studied my butt off just to get a E in Chemistry (FEB/MARCH) because Cambridge changed their mark schemes. I could've gotten a C or B if Cambridge did NOTHING and just stuck to what they've been doing. I have been so frustrated doing everything all over again and studying for Oct/Nov because I'm scared I'll be well-prepared and still do bad because of CAMBRIDGE'S MARK SCHEMES IN 2024. I could be answering questions correctly according to previous years' mark schemes but nooooo, I NEED TO USE KEYWORDS FROM THIS NEW MARK SCHEME. As if I'll just guess it. At this point I need to study Cambridge not chemistry.
Anyways anyone got any advice for how I can deal with this?