Update to previous post

Link to previous post. TL;DR: Amazon support taking me around in circles over UPS stating an item was damaged in transport and directly re-routing it back to the Amazon warehouse. Was told to wait until the 20th because it could possibly be delivered to me even though tracking indicated it was already delivered back to Amazon.

The day finally came and I was able to talk with Amazon last night. I explained the situation and the person took forever to begin typing again. When they finally did, this was their response:

Based on our investigation and your statements, it seems that the item has been stolen by a third party and we urge you to contact your local police department to report the theft of the package. To assist in obtaining a Police Report, we recommend that you provide a copy of the email that we will send to you to the police to help explain what has happened. We'll happily cooperate with the police as part of any investigation. You can share your definitive police report by taking a photo of the report, sharing a PDF, or emailing the report in the body of an email. Please only contact us when you have received your police report. Only one Police Report is needed for all orders that were part of the same shipment. A separate Police Report is needed for each stolen order delivered in different shipments. Note that we will not be able to offer support on this delivery after 18-April-2025. Please ensure to get a police report and contact back before this time.

A POLICE REPORT???? I have to file a police report against UPS for delivering my package BACK to Amazon..... How dense are these people?

I again restated that this was delivered back to Amazon and that if they didn't receive it, then they should be the ones filing a police report. I was promptly told to shove it.

I understand that this might be frustrating, but the response you were given previously was correct and we will not be able to provide further insight or action on this matter. If there’s nothing else you’d like to discuss, I’ll need to end this chat so I can assist other customers.

I requested to speak with a supervisor and got the standard "even if I transfer to the supervisor they will have the same resolution as we share same system." This was 100% a lie because whoever I was transferred to was immediately able to provide me with a full refund on the item. This still screwed things up since it broke the financing offer, but at this point I'm just glad to have my money back. I'll be buying the item from a local company now. Sadly it will be a bit more expensive, but it's better than potentially having to deal with this shit again.

Amazon used to be quick to issue apologies, credits, and refunds in the past with issues that have occurred before for even simpler reasons.