Final update - AITAH for wanting to travel when my boyfriend feels uncomfortable
Previous :
Richard and I talked last night. He broke up with me. I told him I was hurt that he assumed I’d cheat on him. He said he was disappointed that I didn’t respect his boundary and chose the trip instead. Then he hit me with, “I thought you were a mature, smart woman, but you are still a silly immature little girl.” Oh, and apparently, I’m not “wife material.”
He also said he wanted me out of his place ASAP and even threw in a snarky comment: “Technically, your name isn’t on the deed. You’re just a house guest. I could kick you out right now.” I was like, “Wow, after five years, you’re really kicking me out in a snowstorm?” ( we had over 30 cm of snow yesterday )
Luckily, my grandma is letting me stay with her until I find a new place. And when my mom finds out? Oh, she’s going to love this. More material to make fun of me.
And yeah, no trip for me. I have packing and apartment hunting to do instead.