PSA to Christians and Christian apologists who lurk here: “but what about Islam!!!!??!?!” is not a valid argument to refute a criticism of Christianity. Try refuting what I say next time instead of changing the subject.

This happens all the time here. Any time a post is made criticizing Christianity in any way, folks show up whining about things like “but what about Islam???? Why do you give a free pass to islam?”

It’s as if they think there is some huge conspiracy and unspoken alliance between atheists and Muslims LOL

I’ve even gotten messages before, including yesterday, saying things like “why do you only shit on Christianity??? What about Islam?”

To those folks, I say this: you clearly haven’t been paying attention before. I have indeed made posts criticizing Islam. Harshly. In fact, I’ve had popular posts before in which I said, in the title, “fuck Islam.”

But these people don’t care about facts, and they don’t recognize that someone who lives in a predominately Christian society would be wasting their time to bitch constantly about Islam, as Islam makes up like 1% of the population where I am at.

”but what about Islam!!!!!!!????” Is not a valid way to refute a criticism of Christianity. Try refuting my point. Changing the subject demonstrates that you are intellectually weak.

EDIT: For those claiming I never criticize islam:

made it to the r/all with that one.