How to be romantic as an autistic person?
How to be romantic?
I'm in a relationship for about 8 years now. I'm a boy, she's a girl and we've been through a bunch for such extentive period of time. I feel like our relationship has a foundation based on the story we built together and commitments we partook.
Yet I can see something and she can see it too, I'm not really "romantic" in the way I do things. She told me she needs me being more affectionate "from myself" and to be "more romantic" in the way I talk to her, touch her, express my feelings and lead our daily interactions.
And my question is.. How does one person do it? I've seen what romance is. In movies, in cringy videos, popular modern series and whatnot. I can see what people percieve to be romantic or caring for others. I can see the mechanism behind it and how it formed in our up-to-date culture. But whenever I think "yeah time to be romantic" I simply can't do, or follow all of these things.
I feel I know the perfect way of how romantic humans should behave, but I don't really feel it. I don't know how to apply this to my own behaviour, how to remember to do romantic gestures regularly and overally how to act like a classic neuronormative person in such case. Just something doesn't feel right about it, that makes me fail when I attempt this in my daily life.
So my question is, did any of you encounter similar issues in life and how/if did you overcome them?