Do any of you feel incapable of interacting with children/babies the way everyone else (NT) does?

Since finding out that I'm autistic, I've been analyzing my life through that lens and it seems that it could explain why I get so awkward around children - and honestly, why I don't really care about them that much. Ever since I can remember, I never understood how to interact with children, specially babies. I have faced backlash for "talking to children as if they were little adults" - and by that, I don't mean that I was discussing complex themes or saying innapropriate things, but just because I said "good morning" to a child instead of doing faces and voices and saying "heeeeeeeeeey look at this handsome little guy, HELLOOO" or some shit like that. Just thinking about doing this makes me cringe so hard I can't even describe it.

But there's more to it. I'm going to open up to you since we're here to show our vulnerable sides too, so please don't be too harsh on me: I kinda don't register babies as people. Sorry, but I don't. If I say hello to a coworker that is holding their baby, I say hello to the coworker only, and I'll not even look at the baby. It's not a conscious effort to ignore the baby, it just doesn't cross my mind to say hello to it, it's not like it would understand it anyway, I would feel the same saying hello to a dog or a rock. And I also don't get why so many people instantly smile and become all... soft (for lack of a better word) for babies, I don't know what that is, but I don't have it in me.

Just to be clear: I have nothing against children or babies, I do not wish them any harm, I hope that they grow up healthy and happy and become good people. Also, I'm not some /r/childfree freak or anything, I think those guys are kinda nuts. edit - someone rightfully pointed out that my generalization of them was unfair, and I apologize for this.

I'm just unable to interact with children the way I see everyone else do, to say things with an innapropriate amount of enthusiasm (why???), to fake interest in what they're saying, to play their pretend games with them.

What is your experience with this? Am I alone in feeling this way?