
So, I keep hearing mainly guys calling women, and girls "females", and I find it extremely grating.

It might be my first language that's influencing my reaction there, as the equivalent is mainly used for farm animals, occasionally for wild animals, and almost never for humans outside of very, very specific contexts.

The people who use the word in English for human beings are also often, but not always, incel creeps who are seemingly unable to view women as individuals, or really anything other than objects of desire. That's why "females" is especially irritating, even though "males" is only better in that it generally lacks the undercurrent of vitriol those people have going when talking about women.

I'm not alone in that assessment either. I do see others remarking that it's a massive red flag, when someone uses that word for people.

Seeing as we don't tend to do well socially, I'm asking you not to call women "females", please, if you weren't aware already. It just feels gross, and makes a bad impression.