Things that still haunt me

My son was stillborn at just under 30 weeks in January. I worked really hard to keep my mental health up right after because I knew that if I didn’t, I probably wouldn’t be here for long. I walked 2 miles a day, bought myself expensive toiletries and took really good physical care of myself so my mental health would follow. It worked, for a few months. I stopped doing all of these things and my depression has reared its ugly head with vengeance.

I have a nightly cry session after my husband is asleep, and there are always a few details that I replay over and over.

The triage nurse stopping the ultrasound because “he couldn’t find the baby” but really, he just had his little foot on the screen. His terribly, terribly still, perfect foot. He was always super active during ultrasounds. I knew at that second but prayed really hard for the next 5 minutes until an ultrasound tech came in and confirmed. That little unmoving foot is in my nightmares all the time.

The words “I’m so sorry, there’s no heartbeat.” And then I shoved myself to the end of the bed to remove myself from the 4 nurses, doctor, and ultrasound tech who had just witnessed the worst event of my life. Someone touched my leg in comfort and then suddenly we were alone, just me and my husband and my dead baby inside of me and my crying echoed through the L&D triage area.

The fact that I couldn’t hold him right after he was born. His appearance shocked me so much that I couldn’t hold him for more than 30 seconds at a time. It took me hours to hold him and appreciate him. Thank god for cuddle cots, but I wish I’d held him more while he was warm from my body (wow that sounds so awful).

The surreal feeling of picking up his ashes from the funeral home, knowing that the only way I would ever hold my baby again would be in this teddy bear urn. I think I dissociated for a week straight after that.

My brain has just grabbed onto these few things and has made them flashpoints for the whole experience of losing him. I know I’m exhibiting symptoms of PTSD, and I know I should be in therapy. I’m having such a hard time just existing though that even the thought of talking about it with someone else is draining.

Sorry for dropping all of this here, I just know that far too many (if not all) of you understand. Thanks for reading.